Analysis of deaf people's motor coordination.

The general objective of this study was to analyze and intervene on deaf people's motor coordination. The sample consisted of 23 subjects, males and females, 13 boys and 10 girls, aged 7-14 y, enrolled at Instituto Dona Carminha, Campinas - SP. Motor coordina- tion was assessed through K.T.K. tests. 14 specific-activity sessions were conducted as sequential practice - intervention. Results are des- cribed as means (x), and shunting line-standard (DP). Despite of abnormality distribution, Wilcoxon signed rank test was used and enabled the evaluation of the effects of the intervention on the subjects - level of significance p<0.05. All subjects were noticed to improve their whole-body coordination, but some individual characteristics such as deficit of attention, less concentration and distraction contributed for the unsatisfactory performance of some tasks.
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