Aumento de la eficiencia de las redes de distribución de energía utilizando técnicas de calibrado dinámico: = Improvement of the efficiency and distribution networks by using dynamic calibration

espanolEsta tesis desarrolla una metodologia de implantacion de las tecnicas de gestion dinamica en la red de distribucion con el objetivo de optimizar la integracion de energia renovable. En el proceso de implantacion de la tecnologia, se tuvieron en cuenta aspectos tales como la normalizacion de proyectos, las caracteristicas tecnicas de las lineas y subestaciones, los sistemas de comunicacion, la topologia de la red y el analisis de los distintos escenarios de funcionamiento, la climatologia de la zona, la arquitectura del sistema hardware y software, la integracion con el sistema de operacion de la red, las restricciones legales establecidas a nivel nacional y autonomico asi como aspectos tecnologicos relacionados con el equipo de sensores a instalar. La tesis propone, en esencia, una modificacion estructural de la operacion y el mantenimiento de las lineas de alta tension, asi como una mejora en los procesos de asignacion de nuevas inversiones y un incremento de fiabilidad en la definicion de los limites estaticos a las lineas de alta y media tension. EnglishThis Thesis develops a methodology devoted to the dynamic xplotation of overhead transmission lines by means of dynamic ratings. The main aim of this technique is the increase of the amount of renewable power that can be integrated into the grid. The industrial use of this technology needs, not only the scientic knowledge about thermal models of conductors but also the standardization of the process, the knowledge of the behaviour of the rest of components of lines and substations. Other elements like the communications systems, the network topology, the weather conditions and the electrical scenarios related with the levels of power supplied by the generators and the power demanded by the loads. In addition, national and local regulations have to be taken into account. Moreover, all these aspects have to be considered during the design stage of the utility's SCADA system. As a summary the application of the proposed methodology improves the overall performance of the distribution network and increases the knowledge about how to do a better control of the grid. This thesis proposes a new way to perform the operation and maintenance tasks of the high-voltage overhead transmission lines in order to improve their e ciency. The methodology can be also used as a tool suitable to define the investments and the operational dynamic ratings.
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