Effect of Psycho-educational Nursing Program on Social Adjustment and Selfesteem among Substance Abusers

Substance abuse is one of the most important social deviations, which is foundation of manysocial damages and problems at the community level. Every part of the substance abuser's life associal life, family life, work productivity, physical health and personal relationships is affected.Aim: The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of psycho-educational nursingprogram on social adjustment and self-esteem among substance abusers. Design: A quasiexperimental design (pre and posttest) was used to achieve the aim of the study. Setting: This studywas conducted at the outpatient clinics for addiction at the Psychiatric Mental Health Hospital inBenha City, Qalubia Governorate, which is affiliated to General Secretariat of Mental Health inEgypt. Subject: A convenience sample of 40 substance abusers was included from the above settingfor conduction of this study. Tools: Three tools were used for data collection. Tool 1- structuredinterview questionnaire was used to collect data about socio demographic and clinicalcharacteristics of the studied sample. Tool 2- Social Adjustment scale (SAS) to assess socialadjustment of different life domains among the studied sample. Tool 3- Self-esteem scale (SES)was used to assess self-esteem among the studied sample. Results: There was a highly statisticallysignificant improvement in total score of social adjustment and total score of self-esteem betweenpre and post implementation of the program. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that psychoeducational nursing program had a positive effect on enhancement of social adjustment and selfesteem among substance abusers. Recommendations: A psycho educational program should begiven for all substance abusers based on a treatment protocol during their hospitalization to enhancetheir self-esteem and social adjustment.
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