Comparison of Single Serum Progesterone and Endometrial Biopsy for Confirmation of Ovulation in Infertile Nigerian Women

: Infertility remains a medico-social problem in Nigeria and it accounts for a large percentage of outpatient gynecological consultations. The evaluation of the infertile couple remains a continuing challenge to the practising doctor in this part of the world. The need to evaluate the two methods commonly used for determining ovulation in these patients is indicated. Endometrial biopsy specimen and a single sample for serum progesterone estimation were obtained simultaneously in the luteal phase from 50 normally menstruating infertile Nigerian women. Subsequent analysis showed that a serum progesterone value of 6.6 nmol/l (2.2 ng/ml) or above was always associated with a secretory endometrium. Forty-six cycles yielded sufficient information to compare the two methods for confirmation of ovulation. Patients who ovulated with a progesterone value of 6.6 nmol/l (2.2 ng/ml) were 91.3% (42/46) or above, while 89% (41/46) showed secretory endometrium. Forty-six of the cases 86.9% (40/46) were judged to have ovulated by both parameters while 6.5% demonstrated anovulatory cycle using both criteria. From the study, a significant correlation was obtained between endometrial biopsy and progesterone assay methods in confirming ovulation.
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