[The luminescence histochemical characteristics of the early reaction of monoamine-containing structures in the thymus to antigenic exposures].

Fluorescent-histochemical methods were used to study changes of the monoamine content in microstructures (nervous and not nervous) during the first minutes and hours after contact of organism with the corpuscular transplantation, soluble and tumorous antigens. Experiments were carried out in 70 male Wistar, August and albino laboratory rats. Animals treated with isotonic solution of sodium chloride with Indian ink, autoerythrocytes, isotransplantation and sham operation were taken as control. Statistical significance was determined by the Student's criterion. Moncevichute-Eringene method, non-parametric criterion of Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney. The thymus monoamin-containing structures creating the monoamine maintenance of microenvironment of thymocytes (macrophage-like cells of the premedullary and subcapsular zones, mast cells and adrenergic nerve fibers) are described. Results of experiments with different antigens (of the T- and B-dependent character) made it possible to detect the fluorescent-histochemical syndrome of the early phase of immunity, which is characterized by the following features: visualization of the release of the fluorescing product from the adrenergic nerve fibers to the thymocytes, changed intensity of fluorescence of noradrenaline and serotonin in premedullary and subcapsular cells, better detectability of MAO, phospholipids in them. Details of the general syndrome change depending on the kind of the antigen and time of immunization.
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