Seismic activity characteristics in the East Sea area

In this paper, seismic activity characteristics in the East Sea area was analyzed by authors on the base of the unified earthquake catalog (1900-2017), including 131505 events with magnitude 3 ≤ Mw ≤ 8.4. The seismic intensity in the East Sea during the period 1900-2017 is characterized by the earthquake representative level Mw = 4.7. The strong earthquake activity in the East Sea area clearly shows the regularity in each stage. In the period from 1900 to 2017, the East Sea area has four periods of strong earthquake activity, each stage is nearly 30 years with particular characteristics. The distribution of the maximum earthquake quantities by years has a cyclicity in all four periods. In each stage there are 1-2 strong earthquakes with M max ≥ 8.0. The strong earthquakes with M max ≥ 7.5 have occurred by a repeatable rule of 3-5 years in all four stages. This allows the prediction of the maximum earthquake repeat cycle of M max ≥ 7.5 in the study area is 3-5 years. 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