Is endoscopic injection hemostasis of bleeding gastrointestinal ulcers obsolete in 1995

Bleeding non-neoplastic lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract, not due to portal hypertension, are a frequent cause of emergency admission. In the present paper we report our retrospective experience in hemostatic injection treatment of these lesions. From May 1990 to May 1994, 164 patients were admitted to our institution for a bleeding gastrointestinal lesion. In 124 cases an ulcer classified according Forrest's criteria was detected. Four patients underwent immediate surgery. The second group of 86 patients (FIIa/FIIb/FIII) were treated conservatively. The third group of 34 patients (FIa/FIb/FIIa) underwent perilesional injection of adrenaline 1:10,000 and polidocanol 1% saline solution during endoscopic examination; 29% (25 pts) of the second group re-bled during the first 72 h vs 8.8% (3 pts) of the third group. The postoperative morbidity in the rebleeding patients was higher in the second group: 38.4% vs 0%. The importance of immediate, inexpensive, and simple hemostatic treatment extended to Forrest IIa lesions is emphasized.
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