Acidentes, violência e lesões nos adolescentes portugueses: resultados do Estudo HBSC de 2018

O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a ocorrencia de lesoes nao intencionais nos adolescentes portugueses. Foram inquiridos 8215 adolescentes portugueses (52,7% do genero feminino), do 6o, 8o, 10o e 12o ano de escolaridade. Foi analisada a ocorrencia de lesoes, o envolvimento em comportamentos violentos e o nivel de satisfacao com a vida, por genero. Foram utilizados o teste t de Student e o teste de Qui-quadrado para analisar as diferencas entre generos. Um modelo de regressao logistica estratificado por genero analisou as associacoes para ocorrencia de lesoes nos adolescentes. 41,3% dos adolescentes tiveram pelo menos uma lesao grave. Os rapazes relataram mais lesoes (55%) e, mais lesoes com necessidade de hospitalizacao (61,6%). Os rapazes mais novos e, as meninas do 8o e 10o ano, do Alentejo, que indicam Portugal como pais de origem, e com menor satisfacao com a vida foram os que sofreram mais lesoes. Para ambos os generos, a ocorrencia de lesoes esta positivamente associada com o envolvimento em lutas. Para os rapazes, esta ainda positivamente associada ao porte de armas e, para as meninas, a ser vitima de ciberbullying e de bullying e ter Portugal como o pais de origem.Ter comportamentos violentos, ser rapaz, e idade mais jovem sao fatores que predispoem a ocorrencia de lesoes nos adolescentes portugueses.Os adolescentes portugueses frequentemente envolvidos em lutas fisicas, os do genero masculino com porte de armas e os do genero feminino de nacionalidade portuguesa, vitimas de bullying e ciberbullying sofreram mais lesoes. Devem ser desenvolvidas estrategias preventivas tendo em conta as especificidades encontradas para cada genero, de forma a capacitar os adolescentes a gerir situacoes de risco sem recurso a violencia e a definir intervencoes que promovam a sua seguranca. The aim of this study was to analyse the occurrence of unintentional lesions in Portuguese adolescents. 8215 Portuguese adolescents (52,7% girls), from 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th grades were inquired. The occurrence of injuries, the involvement in violent behaviours and the level of satisfaction with life were analysed. The Student’s t-test and chi-square test were used to analyse differences between genders. A logistic regression model stratified by gender were conducted to analyse the associations between injuries and violence. 41,3% of the adolescents had at least one injury event. Boys reported more injuries (55%) and more injuries with need of hospitalization (61,6%). The youngest boys who attend the 6th and 8th grades, the girls of the 8th and 10th years, from Alentejo, with Portuguese nationality, with low life satisfaction are those who had more injuries. For both genders, the occurrence of injuries is positively associated with fight’s involvement. For boys, it is also positively associated with the carrying of weapons and, for girls, with being bullied and cyberbullied and with Portuguese nationality. Involvement in violence, male gender, and younger age are risk factors to injury occurrence in Portuguese adolescents. Portuguese adolescents frequently involved in fights, boys who carried weapons and girls with Portuguese nationality, who were bullied and cyberbullied had more injuries. Preventive strategies should be developed considering the specificities for each gender. Adolescents need to recognise risk factors for injuries occurrence. Intervention need to be developed to promote adolescent’s safety. Palavras chave / Keywords Adolescencia, Lesoes nao intencionais, Violencia, Prevencao. Adolescence, Unintentional injuries, Violence, Prevention.
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