Influence of needle bevel design on injection pain and needle deformation in dental local infiltration anaesthesia – randomized clinical trial

Abstract The aims of this in vivo study were to evaluate the impact of needle bevel design on patients’ pain perception and the mechanical deformation of the needle tip after the injection. In a prospective single-blinded trial, 150 patients received conventional infiltration anaesthesia for dental treatment by one examiner. Patients were randomized for one out of three different needle bevel types (scalpel-designed bevel needle (SB), n  = 50; triple bevel needle (TB), n  = 50; regular bevel needle (RB), n  = 50). Subjects’ self-reported injection pain perception was evaluated using a numeric rating scale (NRS). For each needle tip, deformations after single use were measured using SEM. A significant lower injection pain level was found in SB (mean 2.1 ± 1.2) than in TB (mean 3.5 ± 1.6;) and RB (mean 3.4 ± 1.0; all P   0.001). A needle deformation was detected in about 97.3% of all needles (SB 50/50, TB 50/50, and RB: 46/50). A higher number of barbs were found in SB (29/50) versus TB (17/50) and RB (19/50). For dental local infiltration anaesthesia, injection needles with a scalpel-designed bevel demonstrated significantly less injection pain. Needle tip deflections after anaesthetic agent infiltration, especially barbed hooks on the non-cutting edge may result in greater soft tissue trauma.
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