Uncommon associations in target resistance among French populations of Myzus persicae from oilseed rape crops

Abstract Within the framework of a molecular exploration of target resistance in populations of Myzus persicae on oilseed rapes inFrance, (1) the S431F mutation (coding gene ace2 ), although previously reckoned to be rare, revealed to be frequent, (2) M918L(phenotypically characterised) and L932F (both on para ) were found for the first time in M. persicae , and (3) a linkage wasrevealed between M918L and S431F. While until recently populations developing on French oilseed rapes were dominatedby genotypes possessing pyrethroid target resistance and esterase overproduction, to date a different type of dominatinggenotype, equipped with carbamate and pyrethroid target resistance, seems to be invading such fields. c 2011 Society of Chemical Industry Supportinginformationmaybefoundintheonlineversionofthisarticle. Keywords: targetresistance; Myzuspersicae ;oilseedrape;carbamates;pyrethroids 1INTRODUCTION The green peach potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer, 1776), isan important hemipteran pest on a wide range of agriculturaland horticultural crops, responsible for direct damage (feedingpunctures) and,moreimportantly, indirectdamage(transmissionofvariousphytopathogenicviruses).ManyEuropeancropscanbeinfested to
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