The aging employee. Impact on occupational health.

: 1. The American work force is aging as a result of several trends: the aging of the baby boomer generation; the decline in the birth rate following that generation; the growing demand for workers; and the extended health and interest of older persons in returning to work or continuing to work. As a result of these trends an increasing number of employers now actively seek to employ the older worker. 2. The occupational health nurse must be prepared to recognize and differentiate between normal age related changes in the employee and changes that are pathological. Job placement requires consideration of both. For this reason, the nurse will need to focus the initial assessment on job specific requirements so the older employee can be both safe and effective on the job. 3. To meet the changing profile of the aging work force, the nurse must recognize the need for job modification to accommodate the older worker's age related changes or chronic conditions, and then advocate on the worker's behalf. When the employee can no longer safely or effectively perform the job, a new assessment is needed to enable a smooth transition to a more appropriate assignment.
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