Aeration of premises by means of protection against respiratory infections on the basis of natural fitoncydes in the complex of prevention of influenza and SARS in the conditions of the collectives of preschool and school heats concerns

The article presents the results obtained from the use of aeration with large forms of bactericidal spray (cedar) in preschool and school institutions in Krasnoyarsk in conjunction with individual aeration of small forms of bactericidal spray (cedar) at home in the season of rising incidence of influenza and ARVI. Due to a decrease in the total microbial contamination of the air environment and surface when using the harmless bactericidal spray (cedar), there is a decrease in the incidence of ARVI among children who regularly receive aeration for 4 weeks, and there is a lighter course of ARVI and the absence of complicated forms in 2 times in the observed children in comparison with the group where aeration was not applied. The positive results obtained during the 4-week observation, and the absence of any side effects from the spraying of bactericidal spray (cedar) allows us to recommend it for the prevention of influenza and ARVI during the period of epidemic or seasonal increase in morbidity in organized groups of preschool and school institutions. Considering that since the beginning of the heating season, dry air is installed in the premises, the use of aeration of bactericidal spray reduces the impact of harmful environmental factors on the child’s body, which is facilitated by the ionization and moistening of the air with phytoncide spray components.
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