"Historical Rational Critique" and Crisis of Historicism

The rise of historicism in Germany has always been interwoven with nationalism.Rankian and his Prussian school have manifested such a tendency.Dilthey made a historical rational criticism on it,and the essence of his critique is the replacement of metaphysics with historical consciousness.After the World War I,the historicism dropped deeper into the relativism crisis.Though Meinecke put up a positive defense of historicism,he was unable to make it as much as he would like to.Heidegger criticized the classical historicism,believing that the source of life was historical and the rise and decline of the historicism indicated the plight of western civilization.Heidegger named the world after World War II as "the world′s night",because of the destructive tendency lurking in the modern technology.This tendency was originated from the Western civilization and could be traced back to the ruling tendencies in the Ancient Greek philosophy.The future of the world lies in the dialogue between the East and the West.
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