En el marco de la Ley N2.110/06 de Educacion Sexual Integral y de la C.I.D.N., se considera al adolescente sujeto protagonista y activo con derecho a una sexualidad responsable y saludable. La sexualidad como proceso subjetivo se produce apuntalada en el cuerpo y el grupo. En este contexto disenamos los talleres de sexualidad porque generan condiciones para que los adolescentes produzcan sus saberes, hipotesis y sentidos, con la marca de la experiencia propia. Este dispositivo es una estrategia privilegiada para articular el pensar, el sentir y el actuar. Se procesan vivencias, creencias y nuevos significados que surgen del grupo , enriquecen y apuestan a transformar las practicas sexuales. Los encuentros son coordinados por un equipo interdisciplinario: medica ginecologa y psicologos. Estan dirigidos a adolescentes de escuela media, de entre 12 y 18 anos. El objetivo principal del programa es generar un dispositivo de prevencion en salud sexual. Nuestra experiencia nos demuestra que es en vinculo con otros (pares y coordinadores) donde los adolescentes pueden producir nuevos sentidos, generando una practica saludable y responsable de su sexualidad. Palabras clave Adolescencias Sexualidad Grupalidad Vinculo ABSTRACT ADOLESCENCES AND SEXUALITY: THE GROUP IN THE SUBJECTIVE BECOMING Within the framework of the 2.110/06 Law of Integral Sexual Education and the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the adolescent is considered an active and protagonic subject with the right to a healthy and responsible sexuality. As a subjetive process, sexuality is produced as a result of a body and group sustainability. In this context, we have designed sexuality workshops because they generate conditions for the adolescents to produce their knowledges, hypothesis and meanings, whith the mark of their own experience. This device is a privileged strategy to articulate thoughts, feelings and actions. It´s possible to process experiencies, beliefs and new meanings that come up from the group and enrich and intend to transform sexual practices. The meetings are coodinated by an interdisciplinary team: a gynecologist and psychologists. They are aimed at students between 12-18 years old. The main purpose of the program is to generate a sexual heath prevention device. Our experience proves that it is due to bonds with other subjects (classmates and coordinators) that adolescents can produce new meanings, generating a responsible practice of their sexuality. Key words Adolescence Sexuality Grupality Bond
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