Head and neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, CNS, eye, ear

Part 1 Head and neck: skull bones of the skull temporomandibular joint superficial and deep muscles of the scalp and face cervical fascia muscles of the neck oral cavity and teeth salivary glands and tonsils tongue pharynx external nose and nasal cavity sections and tomograms of the face larynx thyroid gland sections and tomograms of the neck blood vessels of the head and neck lymph vessels and lymph nodes of the head and neck cutaneous innervation of the head and neck nerves and blood vessels of the face nerves and blood vessels of the neck. Part 2 Thoracic viscera: mediastinum and thymus oesophagus trachea and bronchi lungs, bronchial tree and bronchopulmonary segments aortic arch and its branches pulmonary arteries and bronchial tree pericardial sac heart and large blood vessels sections and tomograms of the heart inner cavities and valves of the heart conducting system of the heart and myocardium arteries and veins of the heart thoracic organs sections and tomograms of the thoracic organs large blood vessels and lymph vessels in the mediastinum autonomic nervous system in the thorax and neck. Part 3 Abdominal and pelvic viscera: peritoneal cavity surface projections of abdominal viscera stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum liver, segmentation of the liver, gall bladder and bile duct system pancreas and spleen viscera of the upper and lower abdomen blood vessels and lymph nodes in the abdominal region large intestine and posterior abdominal wall kidneys, suprarenal glands, renal pelvis and ureter great blood vessels in the retroperitoneal space sections and tomograms of the abdominal viscera lumbosacral pelvis great blood vessels in the lower retroperitoneal space and pelvis blood vessels and nerves of the rectum male and female pelvis with urogenital organs and blood vessels connective tissue of the lesser pelvis autonomic nervous system in the retroperitoneal space sections and tomograms of the female and male pelvis. Part 4 Pelvic floor and genitalia: pelvic floor external genitals of a female testis and epididymis spermatic cord and inguinal region of a male external genitals of a male blood vessels and nerves of the perineal region. Part 5 Central nervous system: spinal cord, spinal meninges and blood vessels of the vertebral canal cranial meninges and blood vessels of the cranial meninges and the brain brain cerebellum and brain stem cerebrum ventricles of the brain and subarachnoidal space fornix, hippocampus and limbic system choroid plexuses thalamus, hypothalamus and mid brain nuclei of the forebrain and internal capsule cerebellorubral connections visual pathway sections and tomograms of the brain. Part 6 Visual organ and orbital cavity: eye, lacrimal apparatus and eyelids orbital cavity extraocular muscles eyeball contents and topography of the orbital cavity sections and tomograms of the orbital cavity. Part 7 Vestibulocochlear organ: external ear and
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