Development and Validation of Stages-of-Change Questions to Assess Consumers’ Readiness to Use a Food Thermometer When Cooking Small Cuts of Meat

Abstract Consumers' readiness to use a food thermometer when cooking small cuts of meat was assessed using Prochaska's Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change. Face, content, and concurrent validity were assessed by peer review, cognitive interviews, and mail surveys. The self-administered mail survey was sent to two groups of Washington and Idaho residents: 1,000 randomly selected consumers (41% return rate), and 231 employees and volunteers of Cooperative Extension involved in food and nutrition education (60% return rate). Two-stage classification questions were compared with a behavior question about thermometer use, and validated using Cronbach's if-item-deleted option for α. Concurrent validity was assessed using cross-tabulation χ 2 test. The detailed classification question more accurately classified respondents in both Consumer and Extension groups. Cronbach's α of the detailed question with the behavior question showed a consistency level of α=.73 compared to α=.35 for the simple question format. As expected, Consumer and Extension groups differed significantly in their stages of change ( P
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