Financially advantageous products for nonprofit sector in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic (CR) there are about 60 100 nonprofit nongovernmental organisations (NPO). They present quite big amount of potential customers, making use of various services which are needed for their function. In this paper offers of various kinds of services for NPO in the Czech Republic were analysed. Special offers of banks, insurance companies, post, phone and others were looked for. Mostly all services are offered with some discount for NPO. EBanka, a. s. offers transparent account without monthly fees. Postovni sporitelna and its mother bank Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka, a .s. offer account without monthly fees as well. Some companies have no special offers for NPO. Their offers are included in overture for companies and firms. They are not special financially advantageous for NPO. In case of Czech Post this can be caused by it’s monopol in the CR. On the other hand there are several telephone providers and none does offer anything special for NPO. It is possible to find some websites and internet domain providers, who offer their services with discount for NPO. They provide it without any tax allowance only for acquisition of more customers.
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