PEMBENTUKAN LAPISAN MUTIARA BLISTER Pteria penguin DALAM SEMBILAN BULAN PERKEMBANGAN (Blister Pearl Layer Formation of Pteria penguin in Nine Months Development)

The study was conducted with aims to analyze the development of layer thickness of blister (mabe) pearl and to compare it with the layer thickness of the shell during the period of nine months. The study was carried out in Arakan, District of Minahasa Selatan and then continued in laboratory analysis. The molluscs used in this study were inserted and glued with plastic nuclei in their internal part of their shells. Sampling was conducted in 3 rd , 5 th and 9 th month after insertion. Blister pearl formed was cut transversely to observe the development of pearl layers. The result of this study revealed that pearl development increased on 3 rd , 5 th and 9 th month by 25.26 µm, 46.12 µm, 47.18 µm, respectively.
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