Signaling in Technology Licensing with a Downstream Oligopoly

We analyze licensing contracts in an oligopolistic downstream market where an outside innovator has private information with regard to its technology. Under complete information, the innovator uses a fee-only or a two-part contract to extract the rent that is generated from its innovation, so that all of the downstream firms receive nothing but their reservation payoff. By contrast, under incomplete information with respect to the efficiency of innovation, there can be a conflict between signaling and rent extracting: A contract by the efficient innovator that extracts too much rent invites the inefficient innovator to mimic it. In this case, the efficient type may give up charging the fixed fee and offer a royalty-only contract, so as to discourage the mimicking. Moreover, when the downstream market is sufficiently competitive, the royalty-only contract will eventually win vis-a-vis the two-part contract because it is more effective for the efficient type to signal itself.
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