Internet-based aftercare program for patients with bulimia nervosa in Mexico – A pilot study

High rates of relapses are common in eating disorder patients after achieving the status of remission. The lack of support after completing a treatment can contribute to relapse. Therefore aftercare programs are needed to maintain the benefits of treatment, to reduce the risk of relapse, and to stabilize patients’ well-being. This paper describes the Internet-based aftercare program ACTUA (Continued Support for Eating Disorders) developed to support patients with bulimia nervosa in Mexico. ACTUA is an adaptation of the program EDINA (Internet-based maintenance treatment for eating disorders) which was developed and evaluated in Hungary. In this paper we first describe the intervention which consists of different modules including a monitoring and feedback tool, forums, and counseling chat with a clinician. In the second part, we report on first experiences following the introduction of the program in two treatment centers in Mexico (Monterrey and Mexico City). Fifteen patients participated in a semi-structured interview assessing perceived benefits of participating in ACTUA as well as barriers that prevented patients from joining the program. Implications for the implementation of Internet-based interventions in Mexico are discussed.
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