Oxidação da pirita e seus efeitos em argamassas de cimento Portland sujeitas ao ataque por sulfatos de origem interna

The internal sulfates attack (ISA) is resultant of the chemical reaction between the ions Fe2+ and SO4 2-, by products of sulfide aggregates oxidation, and the composites of the cement paste. These actions promote the degradation of concrete due to the formation of expansive products that generates cracking and dissolution of the material. In this study, the morphology of the pyrite, present in some kinds of aggregate, was evaluated. In parallel, the mineral was utilized in partial replacement for sand (10%, in mass) in mortar dosage, for study of microstructural modifications and linear dimensional variation under natural aging during 42 days. The microstructural characterization was executed in a FEG/SEM equipment with EDS analytical probe. On the surface of the oxidized pyrite were formed iron oxides, which affected the interface between the cement paste and the aggregate in the produced materials with the pyrite. As the dimensional variation, the mortar presented only contractions during the period of study. It was verified the occurrence of cracking and the predominance of ettringite acicular crystals formation at 42 days, while at 90 days the presence of gypsum predominates. Iron oxides from the oxidation of the pyrite were evident in mortars at 90 days.
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