Redefining optimal storage conditions for apples in an energy conscious world.

Optimal storage conditions are usually defined as those that maximise storage duration. In an energy conscious world, optimal could be redefined as those conditions that result in sufficient preservation whilst minimising energy consumption. Benefits of reducing energy consumption during storage by operating at higher temperatures are counteracted by increased rates of deterioration. Complimentary storage technologies such as controlled atmospheres and/or 1-methylcyclopropene offer opportunities to reduce the impact of higher temperatures on quality deterioration and shift the balance between energy use and quality deterioration. This paper reviews the possible approaches to reducing energy costs during apple storage and presents results of an investigation of the potential risks of applying load shifting techniques to controlled atmosphere stored apples. The results indicate that increased mean or oscillations of temperature in a controlled atmosphere environment have little influence on apple quality suggesting that complimentary storage technologies offer an opportunity for substantial energy cost savings with acceptably small impacts on product outturn.
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