Erratum to “Construction of a functional network for common DNA damage responses in Escherichia coli” [Genomics 93 (2009) 514–524]

hns DNA-binding global regulator H-NS 7.43 −0.47 7.31E−05 34 Known fur Ferric iron uptake global transcriptional repressor 6.87 0.6 1.49E−08 21 Known lexA Global regulator (repressor) for SOS regulon 10.93 0.74 5.11E−14 20 Known cspC Multicopy suppressor of mukB 7.32 −0.55 2.17E−06 19 Putative flhD Transcriptional activator of flagellar class II operons 5.98 −0.47 1.09E−04 17 Known dnaA DNA synthesis initiator and global transcription regulator 5.74 0.58 7.13E−08 11 Known hcaR Transcriptional activator of the hca operon 4.88 −0.45 4.06E−04 11 Known yeiE Probable positive regulator of lysP transcription 4.7 −0.58 9.34E−07 10 Putative phoB Positive response regulator for pho regulon 6.92 0.54 9.53E−07 7 Known ycgE Function unknown 5.72 −0.58 5.62E−07 8 Putative malT ATP-dependent transcriptional activator for the mal regulon 7.6 −0.5 2.04E−05 6 Known yihL Function unknown 5.25 −0.44 3.28E−04 5 Putative ycfQ Putative transcriptional repressor 6.96 0.52 2.24E−06 4 Putative ydeO AraC family transcriptional activator 7.5 0.4 3.10E−04 4 Known iclR Repressor of aceBA operon 4.73 −0.45 3.26E−04 4 Known fecI Alternative RNAP sigma factor 9.31 −0.5 1.85E−05 4 Sigma appY Global transcription regulator, AraC family, DLP12 prophage 8.65 0.46 3.77E−05 3 Known osmE Osmotically inducible lipoprotein 6.92 −0.45 1.96E−04 3 Putative ilvY Activator of ilvC transcription 6.1 −0.48 6.62E−05 3 Known cytR Regulatory gene for deo, udp, and cdd 7.96 −0.5 2.79E−05 3 Known yehT Probable response regulator with YehU as cognate sensor kinase 5.79 −0.53 7.29E−06 3 Putative glnG Nitrogen regulator I 5.92 −0.53 6.96E−06 3 Known yqeI Part of T3SS PAI ETT2 remnant 8.49 0.38 8.73E−04 2 Putative pdhR Pyruvate dehydrogenase operon (pdhR-aceEF-lpd) repressor 8.42 −0.5 1.96E−05 2 Known ybeF Putative LysR-family transcriptional regulator 5.09 0.46 3.02E−05 1 Putative envY Thermoregulatory activator of porin expression, AraC family 5.48 0.4 2.74E−04 1 Known can Carbonic anhydrase, beta class 6.96 −0.41 9.78E−04 1 Putative yidZ Confers resistance to nitric oxide 6.26 −0.43 5.22E−04 1 Putative yiaU Function unknown 5.44 0.57 1.18E−07 0 Putative ogrK Positive regulator of P2 growth 8.58 0.39 4.68E−04 0 Putative yebK Function unknown 8.74 −0.46 1.15E−04 0 Putative
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