Complete nucleotide sequence of the new potexvirus Alstroemeria virus X

A flexuous virus was isolated in Japan from an alstroemeria plant showing mosaic symptoms. The virus had a broad host range but had systemically latent infectivity in alstroemeria. The virus was assigned to the genus Potexvirus based on morphology and physical properties and on an analysis of the complete nucleotide sequence. The genomic RNA of the virus was 7,009 nucleotides in length, excluding the 3′-terminal poly (A) tail. It contained five open reading frames (ORFs), which was consistent with other members of the genus Potexvirus. Although nucleotide sequences of the ORFs differ from previously reported potexviruses, a phylogenetic analysis placed it phylogenetically close to Narcissus mosaic virus and Scallion virus X. Therefore, we propose that this virus should be designated as Alstroemeria virus X (AlsVX).
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