Globalization and "minority" cultures : the role of "minor" cultural groups in shaping our global future

"Globalization and 'minority' cultures: introductory comments" Sophie Croisy, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France Part I: Reconceptualizing The Role of Minority Cultures in a Global Context "From anthropophagy to glocalization: a hundred years of postcolonial responses to globalization" Jacques Pothier, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France "Mondialisation, minoritarite et conscience alteritaire" Emir Delic, Sainte-Anne University, Canada "Reflexive minority action: minority narratives and new European discourses" Tove H. Malloy, European Center for Minority Issues, Flensburg, Germany Part II: Minority Cultures and "Glocal" Political Resistance: Defining New Models of Identity and Citizenship "Indigenous peoples and national self-image in Australia and New Zealand" Adrien Rodd, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France "Globalization and resistance: the Tibetan case" Molly Chatalic, University of Western Brittany, France "Can the Afghan diaspora speak? Diasporic identity in the shadow of human rights" Shirin Gul Sadozai, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan Hina Anwar Ali, Independent Scholar, Lahore, Pakistan "Protecting minority population in Europe with European law" Coralie Fiori-Khayat, Novancia Business School and Paris IV-Sorbonne, France Part III: Minorities' Economico-Environmental Struggles "Feudalism and Integration of the Native Peoples of Peru in the worldwide economy" Natividad Ferri Carreres, University of Caen, France "Re-singing the world. Indigenous pedagogies and global crisis during conflicted times" Makere Stewart-Harawira, University of Alberta, Canada "'Idle No More': Indigenous People's coordinated reaction to the twin forces of colonialism and neo-colonialism in Canada" Ryan Duplassie, University of Manitoba, Canada Part IV: Non-Homogeneous Forms of Cultural Development: The Lingustic Paradigm "Indigenous languages, gender and community organisation in the era of globalization: the case of the Mazatec women of the Naxi-i in Oaxaca, Mexico" Karla Janire Aviles Gonzalez-Labex- EFL, Paris 3 and 7-Sorbonne Paris Cite PRESS, France Angela Ixkic Bastian Duarte-Morelos State Autonomous University (UAEM), Mexico "Against the ethnicisation of regional territorial minorities: contribution from the Basque experience in France" Thomas Pierre, Laboratoire d'Anthropologie des Institutions et Organisations Sociales (LAIOS) - Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Anthropologie du Contemporain (IIAC), Paris, France Part V: Art as Resistance "Visualizing development with identity: relational aesthetics of indigenous collaborative community art projects" Pauline Oosterhoff, Research fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, United Kingdom Arno Peeters, Independent media artist, The Netherlands Iris Honderdos, Independent installation artist, The Netherlands "Communication for social change in indigenous communities limitations of community radios and other Proposals: Igloolik Isuma Productions" Bianca Rutherford Iglesias, Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France and Concepcion Travesedo de Castilla, University of Malaga, Spain Part VI: Literary Dismantlements of Global/Colonial Domination "L'indianisme au Bresil au travers des traductions, des adaptations et des transpositions en francais du poeme epique de Jose de Santa Rita Durao sur la decouverte de Bahia: Caramuru. Poema epico do descobrimento da Bahia (1781)" Alain Vuillemin, Artois University and Paris-Est University, France "Spatiality and the literature of globalization" Ang Sze Wei, University of Hong Kong "Tierno Monenembo's 'Fula': between Distance and Empathy" Roxana Bauduin, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France About the Authors Index.
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