Continuous Wavelet Transform as an Effective Tools for Detecting Motion Artifacts in Electrogastrographical Signals.

The cutaneous recording of gastric myoelectrical activity of the stomach known as electrogastrography (EGG) seems to be the promising tool for the noninvasive assessment of gastric motility. Unfortunately the EGG recording is usually severely contaminated both by motion artefacts and endogenous biological noise source. In order to use EGG signals as reliable diagnostic tool it is necessity to look for the effective artefacts removal methods. In this paper Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) was applied for detection motion artefacts from the EGG data. The set of own mother wavelets extracted directly from EGG signal was created and applied for detecting motion artefacts from one channel EGG recording. The results was compared with the effects obtained by using standard mother wavelets. The proposed method based on CWT with own mother wavelet presents very good performance for detecting motion artefacts from the EGG data.
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