Advanced shaping and stability limits in the TCV tokamak

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Centre de Recherches en Physique desPlasmas, Association Euratom-Confederation Suisse, Lausanne, SwitzerlandIn support of the TCV experimental campaign aiming at studying H-mode plasmas at vari-ous separatrix shapes, in particular for advanced shaping including negative triangularity [ 1,2]and snowake (SF) divertor [ 3, 4], beta limit and edge stability studies are performed with thestability KINX code. It includes a sensitivity study of the edge stability (stability boundariesand most unstable toroidal mode number dependence on the pedestal proles) for the up/downnegative/positive triangularity equilibria. Possible consequences for the ELM behavior are dis-cussed. External kink beta limits without/with TCV wall stabilization and resistive wall mode(RWM) growth rates are computed for the negative triangularity equilibria as candidates forRWM studies on the TCV.1 TCV negative triangularity shots and edge stabilityTheTCVmission"H-modeatnegativetriangularity"isacontinuationofthecampaign2008-2010,wheninitialexperimentswereattempted.DuringthisperiodseveralequilibriawithaLFSsingle null X-point were tested at different shapes and values of safety factor q
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