The influence of HamekoTox on the morphological and biochemical indices of laying hens blood in spontaneous fumonisin toxicosis

The most practical methods of detoxication of mycotoxins in animals and poultry are based on damaged feed sorbents. The search aims to study the influence of HamecoTox on the morphological and biochemical indices of the blood of laying hens in spontaneous fumonisin toxicosis. Laying hens (ferrets, aged 78 weeks) of cross Highsex White, with an average live weight of 1.5 kg, were used in the experiment. Three groups were formed: I – a group of laying hens served as a control, in the experimental II, III, groups of poultry was characteristic clinical signs of fumonisin toxicosis. Experiment III (?2) was fed with HamecoTox feed for 21 days. In the research of morphological indices of the blood of laying hens under conditions of fumonisin toxicosis and with the use of HamecoTox on the 21st day of the experiment, an increase in the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin content was found in comparison with sick poultry. The number of leukocytes in the blood of laying hens, which used HamekoTox, reached physiological values on the 21st day of the experiment. HametoTox contributed to the recovery of the protein-synthesizing function of the liver by reducing the negative influence of fumonisins. After the release of the organism from fumonisins, the action of toxins on the liver ends up, and the inflammatory processes disappear accordingly. Under conditions of spontaneous fumonisin toxicosis in poultry, the additional introduction of HamecoTox to laying hens during the 21st day contributed to the normalization of biochemical indices of the blood of experimental poultry. To prevent the fumonisin toxicosis, it is recommended to add HamekoTox feed additive at a dose of 4 kg/t of feed to mycotoxin-contaminated feed. Key words: fumonisins, toxicosis, poultry, laying hens, HamekoTox, blood   References   Berezovskyi, A.V., Fotina, T.I., Dvorska, Yu.Ie., & Rozputnia, O.A. (2014). 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