The conservation status of the genus Saintpaulia in Kenya

With nearly 22 taxa recognised in the genus Saintpaulia Wendl., restricted to the coastal lowlands and Eastern Arc Mountains of Kenya and Tanzania, the two recognised taxa and one new morphologically distinct type of African violets in Kenya represent the northernmost unit of the genus. Saintpaulia rupicola B.L. Burn and S. sp. ?nov. are restricted to the limestone outcrops on the coastal strip whereas S. teitensis B.L. Burtt occurs in one locality in Taita Hills. Found in low numbers in fragmented populations, the Kenyan taxa are threatened by habitat loss through encroachment by cultivation and extractive utilization of the forest resources as well as quarrying activities. Efforts to conserve these species are being made by the Plant Conservation and Propagation Unit of the East African Herbarium, National Museums of Kenya. Both in-situ and ex-situ strategies are being utilised to enhance conservation of the genetic diversity of the genus in Kenya.
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