The evolution of an FLS in search of excellence: the experience of Gran Canaria.

We present the achievements and difficulties of our pioneering FLS within the Spanish public health system over an 8-year period. Despite implementing consolidating measures at the unit, the addition of a support nurse, the establishment of a solid alliance with primary care, the involvement of primary care nurses, and starting initial prescriptions at the hospital are pending. PURPOSE To assess the consolidation of an FLS after its implementation as well as the problems that have arisen over time. METHODS The program for secondary fracture prevention was implemented in 2012. Initially manned by the same staff assigned to the rheumatology department, a part-time support nurse was added in 2016. Patients were identified from the emergency registry and, more recently, from among those admitted for hip fracture and treated in a monographic osteoporosis clinic. The baseline visit consisted of a consultation with the nurse, as well as DXA and bone metabolism analytics. Patients were referred to their primary care physician to start treatment. RESULTS Of the 2416 attended patients, 30% presented forearm fractures, 27% hip, 20% humerus, 10% spine, and 11% other fractures. In comparison with 2012, in 2019, the monthly average of patients had doubled, with an increased in the number of hip and spine fractures and an increase in the percentage of captured patients. The performance of DXA fell from 100 to 52%, and fewer patients were referred to the osteoporosis clinic. One in four patients was referred to a fall prevention school. Despite implementing consolidating measures at the unit (the addition of a support nurse and the establishment of a solid alliance with primary care), the involvement of primary care nurses and starting initial prescriptions at the hospital are pending. CONCLUSIONS We present herein the achievements made by our FLS and the difficulties within the Spanish public health system over an 8-year period.
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