Preços e disponibilidade de medicamentos no Programa Farmácia Popular do Brasil Medicine prices and availability in the Brazilian Popular Pharmacy Program

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To analyze the performance of the Programa Farmacia Popular do Brasil (FPB – Brazilian Popular Pharmacy Program) in the public and private sectors, in terms of availability and cost of medicines for hypertension and diabetes. METHODS: The methodology developed by the World Health Organization, in partnership with the Health Action International, was used to compare medicines prices and availability. This study was performed in May 2007, in different sectors (public, private and the Program’s government-managed [FPB-P] and private-sector-managed [FPB-E] categories), in 30 cities in Brazil. A total of four medicines were analyzed: captopril 25mg and hydrochlorothiazide 25mg for hypertension; and metformin 500mg and glibenclamide 5mg for diabetes. RESULTS: FPB-E showed greatest medicine availability, while the public sector the lowest. The percentage of availability of similar medicines was higher than that of generic medicines, both in the public sector and in the FPB-P. Comparison of prices among sectors showed a lower purchase price in the FPB-E, followed by the FPB-P. The FPB-E charged prices that were over 90% cheaper than those in the private sector. The number of working days required to obtain treatment for hypertension and diabetes were fewer in the FPB-E.
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