Spatial recognition memory in a virtual reality task is altered in refractory temporal lobe epilepsy

article i nfo Temporal lobe epilepsy is often resistant to medical management. Patients experience seizures for years until they receive surgical interventions. During that time, they can exhibit an altered cognition that can be assessed using virtual reality-based neuropsychological tasks. In this study, we coupled a recognition task with a spatial learning task to assess spatial learning and spatial recognition in patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy. We tested spatial learning and spatial recognition in 8 subjects with epilepsy and 8 control subjects. Tests were based on virtual reality technologies. Data collected showed that groups did not differ in spatial learning, but recognition was better in the control group. They showed a shorter reaction time and fewer errors. This supports the hippocampal role in managing an allothetic environment representation and suggests that the spatial recognition task can be very sensitive to hippocampal disturbances.
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