Automatic identification of various spectral features at the time-resolved excitation emission matrix of dissolved organic matters and phytoplankton cells in seawater

The variation of the different parameters of the exciting radiation and the registration of the fluorescence of the investigated object allows to obtain multidimensional spectral images: from three-dimensional (length of the exciting radiation, the wavelength of the emitted radiation, the fluorescence intensity) to eight and more dimensions (in addition to three of these dimensions: spatial coordinates x, y, z; time of measurements; the duration and the intensity of the exciting radiation and etc.). In the case of measurements in natural conditions is highly desirable that the result of the processing performed during a single measurement for the operation in real time. In this paper we consider the approach described for the treatment of fluorescence measurements of dissolved organic matter and chlorophyll-a in seawater. Joint analysis of the various pairs of wavelengths of excitation / emission fluorescence, fluorescence analysis at different durations of the exciting radiation and the time-spatial analysis of the received signal allow identifying different types of fluorescent dissolved organic matter and estimate their stage of biodegradation, to study the functional state of phytoplankton cells. So it is possible to provide real-time investigation of environmental indicators of seawater.
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