Društveno ekonomska i psihološka dobrobit zapošljavanja za osobe s invaliditetom

The right of persons with disabilities to work is recognized by Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN, 2006), which is also ratificated by Republic of Croatia. Right of persons with disabilities to professional rehabilitation, employment and work are given by Act on professional rehabilitation, employment and work of persons with disabilities (NN 157/2013, 152/14, 39/18). Despite legislation, persons with disabilities still face many barriers to employment. Difficulties which persons with disabilities face are caused by lower educational level, poor economic situation, prejudice and negative attitudes of employers, as well as worries they have about working ability of people with disabilites and necessary adjustments. In favor of employing persons with disabilities go benefits which employed persons with disabilites experience. Employment is the most important way of maintaining income necessary for financial security and full participation in society (Honey, 2004). Work provides meaningful time organisation and gives opportunities to develop new skills by participating in different activities. Performing meaningful and paid work helps persons with disabilities to acquire valued social roles and build social identity (Wolfensberger, 1972 according to Jenkins, 2002). Employment is way to establish independence and feeling of belonging (Jenkins, 2002). Work contributes to physical and mental health, and builds selfconfidence (Wadell i Burton, 2006 according to Kulkarni i Kote, 2014). Employment offers challenge, stimulation and personal satisfaction (Baume i Kay, 1995; Reark Research, 1993 according to Honey, 2004). The aim of this thesis is to get insight in perspective of persons with disabilities employed in different companies of affiliation of Calzedonia in Republic of Croatia, with regard to socio-economic and psychological benefits of employment for persons with disabilities. There are two research questions: are there any benefits of employing people with disabilities and which are those. Given the aim of the research and set up research questions in this study used a qualitative approach to data collection. As data collection technique was chosen method of group interviews or group discussions and focus groups in which participated six people with disabilities with different types of disability. Data collected by the survey indicate that participants recognize many benefits of work: financial benefit, benefits of work to personal development and feelings of safety, personal benefits and independence, benefits of work for families and interpersonal relationships and interactions. They expressed their satisfaction with inclusive practice of company they work for and gave important suggestions for improvment of their own work quality.
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