16-18. századi hungarika jellegű albumbejegyzések adatbázisa = Database of 16-18th century album amicorum entries of Hungarian relevance

A kutatas celja egy interneten keresztul lekerdezhető olyan adatbazis adatokkal tortenő feltoltese volt, melyben 16-18. szazadi hungarika jellegű emlekkonyv bejegyzeseket dolgozunk fel. A kutatas kezdetekor 4000 rekordbol allt az adatbazis. (Internetcim: http://iaa.bibl.u-szeged.hu/) Eredeti terveink szerint 8000-10000-es rekordszamot szerettuk volna elerni. Az adatbazis jelenleg 9114 rekordbol all, tehat vallalasunkat e teren teljesitettuk. Hasonlokeppen eleget tettunk vallalasainknak a program fejlesztese teruleten, illetve a leveltari-, konyvtari kutatasok vonatkozasaban. Nemet, svajci, erdelyi es magyarorszagi gyűjtemenyekből fotoztattunk, igen nagy mennyisegben. | The aim of our research was to populate a database which contains album amicorum entries of Hungarian relevance from the 16th-18th century. At the beginning of the research, the database contained 4000 records. (Internet address: http://iaa.bibl.u-szeged.hu). Our original plan was to reach a record number of 8000 - 10,000. As of writing this, the database contains 9114 records, which means that our commitment has been realised. Similarly, we managed to comply with our obligations in terms of the development of the program, and research in archives and libraries was also performed according to the proposed plans. We have ordered a significant number of digital images from collections in Germany, the Switzerland, Transylvania and Hungary.
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