Aeromagnetic mapping of Norway and adjacent ocean areas - from the Quaternary to the Precambrian

Aeromagnetic surveys have in the past mainly been used for mapping depths to magnetic basement and igneous units in sedimentary basins. NGU has since 1994 acquired high-resolution aeromagnetic surveys and has also revealed the existence of significant magnetic anomalies arising from sedimentary layers. We have recognized that susceptibility measurements on core samples, hand specimens and in situ on bedrock exposures are essential for the interpretation of these anomalies. Petrophysical data (magnetic susceptibility and remanence) of 40.000 rock samples from the Norwegian mainland and offshore wells and drill holes have been acquired in order to constrain the interpretation of the aeromagnetic data. Sub-cropping Late Paleozoic to Tertiary sedimentary units along the Trondelag-Nordland coast produce a very distinct anomaly pattern. The asymmetry of the anomalies, with a steep gradient and a negative anomaly to the east and a more gentle gradient to the west, relate the anomalies to a strata gently dipping westward. The susceptibility measurements on Sintef’s cores indicate that these coast-parallel anomalies are caused by 1) alternating beds of sandstone and claystone/siltstone/mudstone [mean suscept. 0.00013 and 0.00025 SI], 2) siderite-cemented sedimentary rocks [mean suscept. 0.00135 SI], and 3) sedimentary units containing detrital Fe-Tioxides [suscept. 0.00100-0.01000 SI]. Negative anomalies are caused by low-magnetic gypsum, anhydrite, salt or coal [mean suscept. 0.00007 SI]. Recent aeromagnetic surveys in the Barents Sea have also revealed distinct negative magnetic anomalies clearly associated with salt diapirs.
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