Informe de Retratação do BJIHS ao Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques.

What happened Please be advised that the BJIHS made a serious processing error in the article “Prospective, randomized, controlled clinical study to compare hard tissue changes after alveolar preservation using alloplasts, xenografts vs without graft: clinical and histological findings”, published in September 2019, in its volume 1, edition number 4. The article in question, authored by Claudio Marques Silva, Regina Souza Ferreira and Leandro Silva Marques, had the ORCID number 0000-0002-7089-8739 assigned to co-author Leandro Silva Marques, however this ORCID number does not match the real author and yes to another researcher with the same name, Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques, who is affiliated with the Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri. This inconsistency was detected by the researcher Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques, affiliated with the Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri, who informed the BJIHS of what happened in October 2020 via e-mail. In response to the e-mail of the eminent Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques, Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Eber Coelho Paraguassu, after confirming the veracity of the incident, informed that he would correct the ORCID inconsistency and communicate the fact in a retraction editorial. It so happens that the Editor-in-Chief just unlinked the ORCID from Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques with the co-author of the aforementioned article, without making any type of retraction or explanation of what happened, leaving the false impression to those who had already read the manuscript that Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques was in fact one of the co-authors of this manuscript. On August 31, 2021, Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques again contacted the Editor-in-Chief, via email, informing that it had been more than a year since the event and the BJIHS had not kept its word and that this situation would be negatively impacting his reputation, as well as initial link with ORCID, the publication would also have generated an automatic link to your Google Scholar author profile. The eminent Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques also informed that given the situation, there would be no other option but to seek appropriate legal measures. From the Editor-in-Chief The Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Eber Coelho Paraguassu, assumed all responsibility for what happened and stated to the BJIHS editorial board that he was unable to contact the author of the article in question, nor with the co-author Leandro Silva Marques, to find out the true ORCID of the co-author, and thus alleviate the situation. He also stated that he was overloaded with work at his dental office, at the faculty where he teaches and at the BJIHS editorship, and that for these reasons he ended up not inserting the request for Retraction to Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques in the schedule of activities of this journal and did not even pay attention to the possibility of linking to scientific articles indexing bases. Of the measures taken The BJIHS informs that after the event, the following measures were taken: 1- The immediate removal of the article "Prospective, randomized and controlled clinical study to compare hard tissue changes after alveolar preservation using alloplasts, xenografts vs without graft: clinical and histological findings", published in September 2019, in its volume 1, issue number 4. 2- Total retraction to the researcher Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques, who unfortunately ended up being victimized in this situation and having his name linked to a research article that he was completely unaware of. 3- Suspension of 120 days to the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Eber Coelho Paraguassu, who will be replaced during this period by the Editor Dr. Karina Figueira. Withdrawal The BJIHS publicly acknowledges that there was a serious error in editorial processing and that this serious error ended up linking the name and ORCID of the eminent Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques to a publication which he was not aware of. We also recognize that this undue link caused embarrassment to the eminent Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques, negatively impacting his unblemished reputation within the academic community. Given all the above and always seeking the principle of conciliation of conflicts and truth, the BJIHS formally apologizes to the eminent Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques and that in case there is still any fact to be clarified or considered, we leave open the opportunity for Prof. Dr. Leandro Silva Marques can answer this Editorial of Retraction. The answer will be published in the form of a Letter to the Editor, with no expiration date for this answer. We reiterate that the BJIHS adheres to good academic practices and vehemently repudiates any and all forms of fraud or wrongdoing in any field of science.
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