More than Meets the Eye: Aspergillus-Related Orbital Apex Syndrome

The patient is a 67-year-old Caucasian male with a past medical history of diabetes mellitus type 2, coronary artery disease (CAD) status post stent placement, renal cell carcinoma (RCC) status post left nephrectomy and bilateral adrenalectomy secondary to metastatic disease, and aspergillus pneumonia who was transferred from an outside hospital for evaluation of progressively worsening pulsating right temple and retrobulbar headache. Initial studies ruled out glaucoma, giant cell arteritis, and stroke, or aneurysmal pathology. The only positive finding was right sphenoid sinus disease on imaging that had caused bony destruction and infiltration of the right orbital apex. Broad-spectrum antibiotics were started for bacterial versus fungal sinusitis and the patient was admitted to the medical floor with consultations to Neurology, Otolaryngology (ENT), and Ophthalmology. ENT took the patient emergently to the OR. The final diagnosis was chronic aspergillus sinusitis and right-sided orbital apex syndrome (OAS). Antibiotics and antifungals were optimized by the infectious disease team. ENT also ordered steroid washouts post-operatively with budesonide and saline as well as sinus debridements every couple of weeks.
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