Features of the microbial landscape ‘border’ of burn wounds in different phases of wound process

Митряшов Константин Владимирович – врач‐хирург ожогового отделения ДВОМЦ ФМБА России; e‐mail: mark498@yandex.ru FEAtUREs OF thE MICRObIAL LANDsCAPE ‘bORDER’ OF bURN wOUNDs IN DIFFERENt PhAsEs OF wOUND PROCEss K.V. Mitryashov1, S.V. Okhotina2, P.A. Griban2, E.V. Shmagunova1, G.I. Turkutyukova1, T.N. Obydennikova2, A.Yu. Kiselev3, V.V. Usov3 1 Far Eastern Regional Center of Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia (161 100th anniv.of Vladivostok Ave. 690022 Russian Federation), 2 Pacific State Medical University (2 Ostryakova Ave. Vladivostok 690950 Russian Federation), 3 School of Biomedicine Far Eastern Federal University (8 Sukhanova St. Vladivostok 690950 Russian Federation) background. The research objective is an analysis of the species composition of bacterial flora of ‘border’ burn wounds in the differ‐ ent phases of wound process. Methods. It was conducted the analysis of 571 studies results of mi‐ crobiological composition of bacterial flora in surface burns in 509 patients. Time of biomaterial sampling ranged from 1 to 60 days after injury. Species identification and antibiotic sensitivity of the isolated microorganisms was determined spectrophotometrically. Results. It was found 50 species of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora in traumatic discharge. Microbial wounds landscape was varied and presented to gram‐positive and gram‐negative flora, but the dominant species were Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aureginosa. Dissemination of conditionally pathogenic flora to the surrounding skin on the surface of the deified is the main route of contamination of wounds in the first days after the injury. When analyzing antibiotic grams strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus haemolyticus, sown in the first day, were susceptible to methicillin, oxacilline, cefazolin, and micro‐organisms found in the later periods were resistant to these antibiotics. Conclusions. Saprophytic and conditionally pathogenic flora, often represented by associations, less monoculture prevails in the first phase of wound process in the ‘border’ burn wound. Methicillin‐ resistant staphylococci, gram‐negative bacteria and P. aureginosa Acinetobacter baumannii dominates, and the amount of associative flora increases at the second and third phases of wound process in the ‘border’ burn wound. Most often in the ‘boundary’ burn wounds in the second and third phases of wound healing are encountered S. aureus, P. aureginosa and A. baumannii – 65,8 % of all pathogens. These pathogens are the most clinically important in the regenera‐ tion phase and the epithelialization.
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