A Comparative Study between the Outcome of Primary Repair versus Loop Ileostomy in Traumatic and Non traumatic Ileal Perforation

Background: The present study was done to understand the incidence and type of breast lesions along with histological grading of malignant lesions in correlation with IHC receptor , in Histopathology department of Baroda medical college, Gujarat, India between December 2017 to October 2018.Method: All patients of all age groups with breast lesions were included in the study. Resected specimen and biopsies of breast lesions were submitted to the Histopathology section, Baroda Medical College for histopathological examination. H & E sections were studied and most suitable tissue block was selected for IHC evaluation in malignant cases. Results: Out of 152 cases, 76 were benign, 10 were of Inflammatory pathology,67 were malignant and 64 cases were submitted for IHC. Out of 46MRM cases of breast carcinoma in this study, Grading was done only in 43cases, as 1 case was of Invasive lobular carcinoma and 2cases were of Metaplastic carcinoma.Grade I tumors show 75% positivity in IHC groups {ER/PR+,Her2-}, while 35.48 % of Grade II tumors show {ER/PR+,Her2-}and 50% Grade III tumors shows{ ER/PR-,Her2 Conclusion:The spectrum of breast lesions consists of benign breast lesion as well as malignant breast lesions. Fortunately, most of the breast lesions are diagnosed as benign breast lesions. Breast carcinoma shows heterogeneity in its clinical behavior. Prognosis and management of breast carcinoma are influenced by classic variables such as histological type and grade, stage, tumor size, lymph node status, hormone receptor status of Estrogen (ER), Progesterone (PR) and Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2(Her2/neu).
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