Медико-биологические показатели состояния здоровья населения в условиях комплексного природно-техногенного загрязнения среды обитания

In work generalization of results of natural researches of inhabitancy quality in village Pavlovo from Ordimskiy region of Permskiy kray, who constantly living in complex conditions of nature-technogenic pollution and formation of demonstrative base of negative influence of low quality of an inhabitancy on health of the population is lead. The analysis of levels of sharp and chronic influences on the population is carried out, results of clinical-laboratory researches of a health state of adults and children in village Pavlovo are generalized. Calculation of indexes of hazard and levels of cancerogenic risk for health of the population is lead. Priority groups of diseases on which the risk for health exceeds a comprehensible level are certain.
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