[HIV-infection as a risk factor of professional contamination of the military medical hospital personnel].

: In Military-medical academy named by Kirov S.M., 857 HIV-infectioned patients were treated. The most part of them required in reanimation and surgical treatment, at 25.6% of patients the HIV-infection was registered in stage AIDS. More than half of cases of diseases are registered for the first time. 51.1% of patients knew about their HIV-positive status, but only 16% of patients have informed doctors. Interrogation of experts shows their low epidemiological vigilance. By calculations, registration of medical traumas occurs on the average in 7.4% of cases. There is a risk professional infection. There were defined the directions of decrease of risk of professional traumatism and infection with haemocontact infections. The algorithm of emergency chemoprophylaxis of the HIV-infection in military-medical establishment is offered.
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