Estudio del relieve a través del drenaje del área delimitada por la hoja cartográfica los palacios a escala 1:50 000

The work focuses on the tight application of a set of morphometric methods to perform the geomorphological analysis on the Los Palacios map sheet (3583-I), southeast of the Pinar Fault. Where it aims to study the relief through drainage from this region. The study area covers 117 km 2 of which 98.97% belong to medium plains that occupy 115, 8km 2 . Isobasite maps were made for rivers of order 2 and 3. Those that constitute curves that join points of equal level Erosion base and obtaining them allows us to perform an analysis of the evolution of the relief and the different tectonic movements that have influenced its development. Another method used was the longitudinal profile and current gradient index, SL, for the two main rivers of the "Santo Domingo" and "Manso" study area. He who determined the morphometric characteristics of river channels. Through this it is possible to establish the slopes and their ruptures, in addition to geometric interpretations based on factors such as lithology and tectonics. Finally, the methodology used to establish the influence of tectonics and lithology in territories with similar characteristics is validated.
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