Por qué acuden los niños a urgencias

espanolDurante los ultimos anos se ha observado una transformacion de la asistencia sanitaria caracterizado por un aumento de las urgencias pediatricas. El objetivo es estudiar los motivos de consulta de los ninos atendidos en el Servicio de urgencias del Hospital de Barbastro durante los meses de Octubre a Diciembre del 2014. Estudio descriptivo transversal de una muestra de 1.118 ninos/as. Analizando el perfil epidemiologico de la muestra en base al motivo de consulta, edad pediatrica, centro sanitario de referencia y factores asociados. Los menores de 2 anos acudieron con mayor asiduidad. Los motivos mas frecuentes fueron lesiones y traumas (26,6%), respiratorios (22,6%), gastrointestinales (22%) y fiebre (10,9%). Acudieron en un 52% de lunes a jueves, especialmente en turno de tarde en un 50,2%. Un 51% acudieron previamente al Centro de Salud. En las etapas infantiles son las patologias infecciosas las predominantes mientras que en los mas mayores son los traumatismos. El aumento de visitas en horario de tarde se corresponde con el fin de la jornada laboral y al ritmo circadiano de algunas patologias. La promocion de la salud y prevencion de las enfermedades ayudara evitar la saturacion del servicio. EnglishOver the past few years, change in health care has been observed which was characterized by an increase in the number of visits to the pediatric emergency department. The main aim of this study is to determine the reasons for visits in pediatric emergency department at Barbastro hospital from October to December 2014. Descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on total of 1118 children. The epidemiological profile of this sample was analyzed in terms of reasons for consultation, pediatric age, reference centers and associated factors. Children under age two visit more frequently to the emergency department. The most common reasons were injuries and traumas (26.6%), respiratory illness (22.6%), functional gastrointestinal disorders (22%) and fever (10.9%). On one hand, 52 percent attended ED on Monday through Thursday, particularly in afternoon and evening shifts (50.2%). On the other hand, 51 percent of them previously made contact with primary health care. Infections are the main diseases in children meanwhile traumas are more likely to affect older adults. The increase in the number of visits in the afternoon / evening is related to the end of the working day and some of the circadian rhythm disorders. Health promotion and disease prevention will help to avoid crowded service.
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