Hongos antagónicos nativos de Vicia faba L. con capacidad de biocontrol hacia Botrytis fabae S.

La mancha chocolate en el haba, es causada por el fitopatogeno Botrytis fabae S, este se caracteriza por ser muy virulento y reducir hasta dos tercios el rendimiento del cultivo. El presente trabajo se realizo con el objetivo de seleccionar e identificar hongos antagonicos nativos de haba ( Vicia faba L.) con capacidad de biocontrol hacia B. fabae S. Para aislar e identificar estos hongos se colectaron muestras de la rizosfera de plantas de habas de cinco distritos (Ilave, Acora, Juli, Plateria y Chucuito) de la Region Puno - Peru [H1]  y se determino In vitro la capacidad antagonica de hongos nativos de haba hacia Botrytis fabae S. Para lo cual, se realizo pruebas de antibiosis y micoparasitismo, con la produccion de metabolitos solubles inhibitorios por los antagonistas y enfrentamiento dual del patogeno y antagonista, en donde se evaluo la inhibicion del crecimiento micelial del patogeno y el porcentaje de colonizacion del hongo antagonico respectivamente. Se logro aislar 17 cepas de hongos antagonicos nativos de la rizosfera de habas y se identifico a los generos de Trichoderma y Clonostachys como hongos antagonicos. La cepa TRCH-12 obtuvo el valor mas alto con 54.6% a comparacion de las cepa TRCH-11 tuvo menor efecto hacia el patogeno con 3.62% de inhibicion micelial. Asi mismo, 14 cepas pertenecientes al genero Trichoderma y una cepa de Clonostachys resultaron ser micoparasitos agresivos , que completamente colonizaron al patogeno. Sin embargo, cepas del genero Trichoderma TRI-1 (76.67 %) y TRCH-13 (73.33%) fueron los que mostraron ser micoparasitos no muy agresivos para Botrytis fabae S. ABSTRACT The chocolate spot on the bean, is caused by the phytopathogen Botrytis fabae S, it is characterized because of be very virulent and reduce up to 60% crop yield. This work was carried out with the aim of selecting and identifying native antagonistic fungi from bean ( Vicia faba L . ) with biocontrol capacity to B. fabae S. To isolate and identify these fungi were collected samples from the rhizosphere of plants beans from five districts (Ilave, Acora, Juli, Silverware and Chucuito) of the Puno region and was determined In vitro antagonistic capacity of these native fungi to Botrytis fabae S. For which, antibiosis and micoparasitism testing were performed with production of inhibitory soluble metabolites by the antagonists and dual confrontation for pathogen and antagonist, where was evaluated the inhibition of mycelial growth of the pathogen and the percentage of colonization of the antagonistic fungus respectively. It was isolated 17 isolates of native antagonistic fungi from the rhizosphere of beans and it was identified to the genus Trichoderma and Clonostachys as antagonistic fungi. The TRCH-12 isolate had the highest value with 54.6% in comparison with the TRCH-11 isolate had less effect with 3.62%  of mycelial inhibition of pathogen. Furthermore, 14 isolates belonging to the genus Trichoderma and a isolate of Clonostachys proved to be aggressive mycoparasites that completely colonized the pathogen. However, isolates of the genus Trichoderma TRI-1 (76.67%) and TRCH-13 (73.33%) proved to be not very aggressive mycoparasites for Botrytis fabae S. Keywords: Botrytis fabae S., Trichoderma , Clonostachys , biocontrol, fungus, antagonist
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