Lifestyles and satisfaction with life of veteran athletes: a prospective test based on the theory of self-determination

The practice of sports by veteran athletes is a reality with an expansion perspective. The objective was to determine predictivevariables of healthy lifestyles and satisfaction with life in veteran athletes, according to the Self-determination Theory (SDT). Astructural equation model and a mediation model has developed. The number of participants were 680 Portuguese veteran athletes, agedbetween 30 and 90 years old (M=43.78 DT=8.61). The Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale, the Behavioral Regulation in SportQuestionnaire, the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire and the Life Satisfaction Scale were used. This model has shown the followingadjustments indices: ÷2 = 729.116, p < .001, ÷2/df = 4.41, CFI = .92; IFI = .92; TLI = .91; GFI = .91; RMSEA = .068; SRMR = .064. Asa conclusion, in veteran athletes, the perception of satisfaction of the basic psychological needs for autonomy, leads to autonomouslymotivated behaviours, promoting better eating and resting habits, as well as high satisfaction with life, and a lower consumption oftobacco. Autonomous motivation has not proved to be a significant mediating variable between the basic psychological need forautonomy, lifestyles and satisfaction with life.Keywords: Self-determination, healthy lifestyle, life satisfaction, sports, veterans
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