Pelatihan Servis Sepeda Motor Untuk Siswa SMK IT BSM Gampong Rayeuk Kareung Kecamatan Blang Mangat Kota Lhokseumawe

Community service activities are the activities of developing and applying science, technology and art (IPTEKS) carried out by tertiary institutions to the community, in order to meet the community's needs for science and technology, provide skills and solve problems faced by using the science and technology. BSM IT Vocational High School (Bustanus Sa'adah Munawwarah Integrated Vocational High School) located in Rayeuk Kareung Village, Blang Mangat Subdistrict, Lhokseumawe City which has been determined as a participant in the Training of IPTEKS Implementation of PNL DIPA funds in 2019, followed by 12 participants of Class II. Trainees in this program will be given knowledge about how to introduce the basics of Motorcycle Service in both theory and practice. This activity is based on the need to improve practical education by developing students' skills to be able to do Motorcycle Service. The training was held at the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic Mechanical Engineering Department Laboratory. The training material taught covers theory (Basic Understanding of Motorcycle Fuel, Ignition System & Lubrication System, Frame, Motorcycle Tires & Wheels, Steering, Front & Rear Suspension, Brakes, Couplings & Transmissions, Basics of Electricity) and practice (Filter Cleaning Air, Motor Oil Change, Gas Cable Maintenance, Fuel System Maintenance, Removing Checking and Installing the Fuel Line system, Valve Adjustment, Compression Pressure Test). The method of activity used is the provision of theory and practice, namely: providing basic theory, conducting direct practice on the available subject and giving participants the opportunity to practice freely in implementing their abilities under the supervisor of the instructor. Indicators of the success of this training in achieving the training objectives, all participants already understood both theory and practice, namely unpacking, adjusting and installing all the motorcycle service material provided.
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