Determination of reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography based octanol-water partition coefficients for neutral and ionizable compounds: Methodology evaluation

Abstract Reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) based octanol-water partition coefficient (logP) or distribution coefficient (logD) determination methods were revisited and assessed comprehensively. Classic isocratic and some gradient RPLC methods were conducted and evaluated for neutral, weak acid and basic compounds. Different lipophilicity indexes in logP or logD determination were discussed in detail, including the retention factor logk w corresponding to neat water as mobile phase extrapolated via linear solvent strength (LSS) model from isocratic runs and calculated with software from gradient runs, the chromatographic hydrophobicity index (CHI), apparent gradient capacity factor (k g ’) and gradient retention time (t g ). Among the lipophilicity indexes discussed, logk w from whether isocratic or gradient elution methods best correlated with logP or logD. Therefore logk w is recommended as the preferred lipophilicity index for logP or logD determination. logk w easily calculated from methanol gradient runs might be the main candidate to replace logk w calculated from classic isocratic run as the ideal lipophilicity index. These revisited RPLC methods were not applicable for strongly ionized compounds that are hardly ion-suppressed. A previously reported imperfect ion-pair RPLC method was attempted and further explored for studying distribution coefficients (logD) of sulfonic acids that totally ionized in the mobile phase. Notably, experimental logD values of sulfonic acids were given for the first time. The IP-RPLC method provided a distinct way to explore logD values of ionized compounds.
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