Optical holography of diatomic small nanostructure objects and the near-field effect: Dimensional resonances at normal incidence of external optical radiation on a small object

The interaction of an atomic group occupying a volume with linear dimensions which are considerably smaller than the length of an external light wave is considered. On the basis of the joint set of equations for the electric field strength of the light wave and the optical equations for linear dipole oscillators, the self-consistent problem of determination of the field at the points of location of the atoms, as well as at different points of observation outside the atomic group (a small object) in the wave and near-field zones, is solved. An optical plane hologram of a small object is obtained by way of interference of the coherent field of dipoles of the object and a reference coherent wave in a certain plane of observation points far from the object in the wave zone. It is shown with the help of numerical experiments that a small object forms interference fringes with a good contrast, which allows one to use optical quasi-resonant emission for the development of a nondestructive method of investigation of small objects.
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