Introduccion: Durante la pubertad se realiza una secuencia de eventos que llevaran al individuo a su madurez en el desarrollo fisico, sexual y emocional. Este periodo incluye la aparicion de caracteristicas sexuales secundarias asi como el crecimiento, desarrollo y maduracion de los organos sexuales primarios. Se considera que la pubertad es precoz (PP) cuando el crecimiento mamario (telarquia) ocurre antes de los 8 anos de edad, el vello pubico (pubarquia), antes de los 9 anos y la menarquia (primera menstruacion), antes de los 10 anos. Materiales y metodos: Se trata de un estudio retrospectivo sobre el analisis de las historias clinicas de 50 pacientes femeninas que consultaron por sospecha de pubertad precoz en tres instituciones de Cali, durante el periodo 2000-2003. El diagnostico de PP de origen central se confirmo por la aparicion de telarquia precoz y por la respuesta positiva a la prueba de estimulacion con hormona liberadora de gonadotropinas (GHz). En el analisis estadistico se utilizo chi2 mediante analisis STATA EPI INFO. Resultados: Se trato de pacientes con escolaridad promedio tercero de primaria, principalmente de zona urbana, de estratos socioeconomicos 2-3. Las edades promedio fueron, a la consulta 7,8 anos ±1,31 y al inicio de telarquia, 6,8±1,8 anos. El 96% de las pacientes tenian telarquia prematura. El 70% consultaron por aparicion de vello pubico, con edad promedio de 7,15 anos ± 1,32 anos. El 64% tenian olor axilar, 42% leucorrea y 16%, vello axilar. Se les realizo prueba de estimulacion con GnRH a 45 de ellas, cuya respuesta fue compatible con PP central por valores de LH en cualquier tiempo por encima de 5 mUI/L. Los niveles de LH mas altos posestimulo fueron a los 30’, 17,1 mUI/l (moda 4,1) y FSH a los 60’, 11,89 mUI/L (moda 11,4). La edad osea promedio al momento del diagnostico, determinada en todas, fue de 9,5 anos, con una maduracion osea de 1,66 anos por encima de la edad cronologica por el metodo de Greulich y Pyle; 83,5% de las pacientes tenian PP idiopatica, con resonancia nuclear magnetica (RNM) normal, 12,5%, la PP era secundaria a lesiones del sistema nervioso central (SNC), y 4% PP periferica, por quiste de ovario e hiperplasia adrenal tardia en 1 paciente que luego evoluciono a pubertad precoz central, 48% tenian cambios en el ultrasonido pelvico. Todas recibieron manejo con analogos de GnRH y solo el 6% menstruaron durante el tratamiento al inicio del mismo. Discusion: Se evidencio la aparicion de PP femenina cada vez en edades mas tempranas, poniendo en riesgo su integridad y madurez tanto fisica como emocional; debemos estar atentos a la aparicion de estos signos fuera del rango normal, para tomar las medidas pertinentes y evitar asi menarquias tempranas con deterioro de talla final y alteraciones psicologicas secundarias. Esta muestra no representa una prevalencia ni incidencia de la poblacion de Cali. STUDY OF PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY EN GIRLS ATTENDING THREE MEDICAL CLINICS IN CALI, COLOMBIA ABSTRACT Introduction: A sequence of events occur during puberty, leading to individual maturity in physical, sexual and emotional development. This period includes the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and growth, development and maturation of primary sexual organs. Diagnosis of precocious puberty (PP) is done when breast growth (thelarche) occurs before age 8, pubic hair (pubarche) before age 9 and first menstruation (menarche) before age 10. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study of 50 selected medical records of girls attending clinics from three institutions in the city of Cali, during 2000-2003. Aim of the study was to describe and analyze the different manifestations of female PP. The diagnosis of central PP was confirmed by the appearance of early thelarche and positive response to stimulation test with gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). There were cases of peripheral precocious puberty (adrenarche and pubarche as the only symptoms) were not included in the analysis. Chi2 was used in the statistical analysis using STATA analysis EPI INFO. Results: Average schooling of patients was third grade, coming mainly from urban areas and from low socioeconomic strata. The average ages at consultation were 7,8 ± 1,31 and for early thelarche, 6,8 ± 1,8 years. 96% of patients had premature thelarche. 70% consulted for appearance of pubic hair, with an average age of 7,15 years ± 1,32 years, 64% had axillary odor, 42 % had vaginal discharge and 16%, axillary hair, 45 of them underwent GnRH stimulation test; the response was compatible with central PP by LH values above 5 mIU / mL at any time. The higher LH levels after stimulation were at 30’, 17,1 mIU / ml (4,1 mode) and FSH in the 60th minute, 11,89 mIU / mL (mode 11,4). The average bone age at diagnosis, determined in all, was 9,5 years, with a skeletal maturity of 1,66 years over chronological age. 83.5% of the patients had idiopathic PP, with normal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); in 12.5%, PP was secondary to lesions of the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral PP in 4% was associated with ovarian cyst and late adrenal hyperplasia in one patient each. 48% had changes in pelvic ultrasound. All received management with GnRH analogues and only 6% menstruated during beginning of treatment. Discussion: The emergence of female PP was increasingly evidenced in younger age, jeopardizing their integrity and maturity both phy- sically and emotionally; we must be alert with the appearance of these signs outside the normal range, for taking appropriate steps to avoid early final low height and secondary psychological disorders. This sample does not represent prevalence or incidence of the population of Cali.
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